Hot trends from the Runway


Some hairstyles have a habit of dipping in and out of fashion, while others are so classic they never seem to date. One such trend is the 1960s Bridget Bardot, a half up bouffant hairstyle that Paula showcased at The 11th Annual Lupus LA Orange Ball with Pan Di Zucchero earrings.  She obviously really likes this brand as wore a pair with purple accents when arriving at the launch of The X Factor wearing a purple YSL dress.

2 responses to “Hot trends from the Runway

  1. I just wanted to say that I really enjoy this blog and I’d like to thank you for making it. It makes a great read. Paula has been spot on with her fashion choices lately, if you ask me. But I always enjoyed her taste in fashion. You put a lot of knowledge and effort into the blog, that’s really awesome.

    And the Brigit Bardot-ish hairstyle never gets old. she looks like something out of a painting. :)

  2. Thanks very much nea for your support and words. I only recently launched but have had a really great reaction so far from everyone. Anything you can do to spread the word and get people leaving comments would be much appreciated.

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